Webinars, digital events and online master classes are very popular. Which is not surprising, since many traditional events have been cancelled due to COVID-19. Managers, organisations and agencies are looking for alternative ways to provide inspiration and knowledge to organisations. This development is expected to continue after COVID-19 and will likely coexist with traditional events.
Online webinars and events attract more visitors and are not only more accessible but more cost effective as well. Thanks to the many tools available, quality interaction is now also increasingly possible online. In short, online events will continue to be used in addition to the important offline events where we can meet people. Because we all miss that human contact.

All keynotes online available

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The keynote lectures by trendwatcher & futurist Richard van Hooijdonk will also be held online. We have a private studio with all the equipment and technology needed to offer a quality, inspiring program. Our interactive keynotes are based on visual content, boasting clear images and engaging video footage. Have a look at the examples below.

A webinar from a studio

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Webinars are increasingly packaged in professional, talk show-style programs. In addition to presentations, conversations we organise can also take place at the table in a real studio in which speakers address the viewers. And all the benefits of online interactions can be added.
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More videos of live keynotes can be found here.

Interaction and Q&A

Our webinars and online events also provide the opportunity for direct interaction with the viewer. The interactions are recapped via attractive graphs and images. Our Q&A sessions are a valuable way to reflect on the keynote and allow the visitors to have a discussion and have their questions answered, just like a traditional event.

Organise a webinar

If desired, we can manage the entire process for you, using our webinar software, including invitation, registration, the keynote itself, its recording and the communication afterwards. You are also free to use your own software, should you prefer this. Our presentations can be held using all available software suppliers.

I would like to try a live trial webinar

We would like to offer you a live webinar, so that you can judge for yourself. Contact us via the button below or by calling +31 (0)85-3030792

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