Inspiring lecture

Trends 2030. Are you ready?

Tomorrow’s world is just around the corner, with robots performing repetitive and predictable tasks, and sensors and cameras representing the digital feelers of our world. Self-learning algorithms will intervene on time and offer the best solutions at astonishing speeds. But will we be safe? Will we not be outsmarted by cybercriminals? The acceleration of ‘smartification’ has begun. Are you prepared?


Below you will find an overview of the topics within this keynote lecture.


Robots are very capable of performing repetitive and predictable tasks. In fact, they are much better and faster at this than humans. They come in all shapes and sizes – from production robots to robots that care for the elderly, from security bots to nanobots that monitor our bodies from within. But what roles will humans have left to fulfil?

Autonomous transport systems

In the world of tomorrow, we’ll transport products and people using autonomous driving, flying, and sailing systems. Smart transportation will offer solutions to challenges like traffic congestion, overloaded public transportation, and environmental issues. Soon, smart transport systems will be available to anyone, at any time, and at low cost, whether as part of the supply chain or for consumer use.

Sensors & camera’s

Sensors and cameras are the digital feelers of our new world. Sensors can monitor and process temperature, movement, and many other environmental factors. Cameras can recognise and analyse. These technologies offer us increased efficiency, better safety, and more convenience – in our daily lives, and at work. However, it’s important to address the ethical and privacy issues they raise.

3D- and 4D-printing technology

In the future, intelligent printers will produce everything we want and need: a complete car, a windpipe or heart valve, a bicycle, a freestanding house – even food products and shape-shifting chairs and buildings. 3D & 4D printing technologies will have far-reaching consequences for factories, producers and retailers, and could revolutionise the world of materials as we know it.

Virtual reality and augmented reality

The big breakthrough of VR and AR has finally started. Virtual reality enables us to experience accessible, as well as faraway worlds as if we were actually, physically there. Augmented reality enhances the real world with digital overlays, enabling us to optimise coaching sessions or carry out repairs more efficiently. Imagine what we could do with VR/AR eye implants?


Nature presents us with many possibilities in terms of innovation. Biological processes have enabled us to make cheese and beer, fight diseases, and create tastier, healthier food. DNA engineering enables us to change biological properties and gives us tools to protect and improve crops, animals, and ourselves. Soon, we may also be able to upgrade people with special properties.

Quantum computing

Quantum computing enables us to perform calculations more than a hundred million times faster than we are able to generate with our current computers. This represents a giant leap for – among others – pharmaceutical and space research, medical diagnoses and online security. Information that used to take months or years to generate will soon be available in an instant.

Internet of Things

With over 30 billion devices connected via the Internet of Things, we are on our way to a world in which devices and systems continuously communicate with each other. Using artificial intelligence, the IoT will carry out ever more tasks, leading to more efficient, safer, more pleasant and healthier lives, at home as well as at work.

Artificial intelligence

To convert all of the data generated by our self-driving cars, smart pacemakers, nanobots, production robots, sensors, RFID chips, and GPS systems into actionable insights, we need artificial intelligence. Self-learning algorithms use smart roadmaps to make the best decisions at the highest speed. Will the human brain eventually become obsolete, or will things be a little more nuanced?


All too often, technology becomes a popular target for criminals and their cybercrime business models. For instance, citizens and businesses alike are increasingly confronted with ransomware, DDoS attacks, botnets, and intellectual property theft. Terrorists also use technology to create chaos or defeat ‘the enemy’. In the wrong hands, technology becomes an invisible weapon that can cause untold destruction.


In many ways, people are no longer separate from technology. It is, therefore, important to keep an eye on the moral side of technological developments, consider the implications for the world of tomorrow, and ensure we take important ethical considerations into account. We need to determine our boundaries and voice our opinions about how people and machines should work together.

New skills and jobs

The rapidly changing future also places different demands on the employee of the future. A perfect combination of knowledge, skills and mindset is needed. Passion and curiosity are critical. Flexibility and creativity are essential. Which new skills are important to safeguard the organisation of the future? Which type of approach is needed to get the ‘omega generation’ on board?

The future of leadership

The organisation of the future requires a new type of leader. The manager of the future questions the status quo and is willing to leave the old 20th-century management style behind. The leader of the future inspires talent, provides space and opportunity, and offers an environment where the old and new organisation can achieve optimal performance.

The company of the future

The company of the future is hyper connected. It closely monitors new developments and collaborates with start-ups, scientists, and universities. It uses smart algorithms to analyse the world and employs a flexible workforce capable of rapidly developing new products and services. The company of the future requires accessible, inspiring leaders who are not afraid to veer off the beaten track.
All the topics mentioned can be presented in a comprehensive, compact way or, if required, omitted. Topics from other lectures or your own suggestions can also be added. We will gladly discuss this with you.

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Below you will find some videos of various performances and interviews. More videos can be viewed here

Our customers

This futurist has chips in his body

“You can’t really talk about the future without also being part of it”, says Richard van Hooijdonk. So he put his money where his mouth is. To date, he’s had several RFID chips injected into his body that perform various tasks for him. Van Hooijdonk is planning to have a number of additional chips implanted in 2020 and 2021.
You gave us all honest, inspired and entertaining insights. Your performance was highly appreciated by the conference participants and EU members.
Manfred Graf
Enthusiastic speaker, a good and versatile story. Everyone was ‘wowed’ by the lecture.
Maarten Buikhuisen
Your contribution was particularly dynamic and inspiring! The participants experienced recognition, awareness and certainly, a wake-up call. In short, an excellent contribution through a highly professional performance.
Jan Struijs
A dazzling journey through new technology. The enthusiasm and energy during his presentation, combined with the visuals, provided a successful kick- off to our event.
Patrick Steemers
An impressive and noteworthy presentation for our employees and customers. The rate at which change is happening - which you eloquently brought across in your energetic speech - requires a disruptive approach. To be continued!
Rob Pols
The symposium ‘Airpower in the Information Age’ was a great success. Nothing but positive feedback from the participants. In no small part thanks to your commitment and dedication, we were able to achieve this result.
Alexander Schnitger
Great keynote that really opened our eyes. Sparkling and energetic, from beginning to end. Thanks Richard, for showing us this different view of the fitness market and its future.
Arjan van Dijk
With your presentation you awakened the customs organisation. At the end of the day it turned out that your presentation had made the biggest impression. You made sure the issues were put on Strategic Management’s radar.
Alex Drost

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