Inspiring lecture

The future of leadership

Rapid changes require new leadership. Leadership by PowerPoint no longer works. Are you the leader of the future?

The lightning-fast technological and social developments have a major impact on business models and organisations — and therefore on leadership. We need new leaders who can transform emerging uncertainty into success.

Leaders of the future steer organisations fluidly into the world of tomorrow. They understand that major changes require an inspiring culture and a diverse workforce with the right skills and mindset. Tomorrow’s leaders feel very comfortable with new technology and navigate the organisation using data. They also experiment a lot and encourage collaboration with global ecosystems. They are visionary, have guts, take risks and ensure a safe yet dynamic working environment. In this inspiring keynote we will present interesting examples, case studies and predictions. We will also offer great insights that you can use to immediately put the future of leadership into practice. Are you ready?

The acceleration of change has begun, and new leaders are ready to provide direction, gather support, and make swift change happen. They skillfully utilize the right skills


Below you will find an overview of the topics within this keynote lecture.

Future-proof team

In times of great change, we expect extraordinary effort from our employees. The leaders of tomorrow will not only provide an environment in which talent can be uncovered, but also the right mindset and the calmness needed for change. They foster a real ‘change culture’ that provides the best guarantees for the future of the organisation. But how do you approach this in a sustainable way?

Generation management

The leaders of the future are very flexible in dealing with generational differences in the workplace. They enjoy being inspired by different generations and are also willing to share leadership with (other) talents. How do you successfully leverage different generations?

Talents and skills

The world of tomorrow requires employees who have the right skills and mindset to deal with major challenges. This scarce talent must be enticed by attractive employers and inspiring leaders. But how do you go about attracting the best talent?

The power of ecosystems

Big changes mean leaders need big solutions — which are not always present in the existing organisation. Knowledge and unique solutions are, however, available all over the world. Leaders and their teams will therefore have to work on ecosystems that provide knowledge, speed, efficiency — and thus new opportunities. How do you develop and manage these ecosystems? And where do you start?

Innovating in unwieldy organisations

Change often evokes resistance, which makes sense, because people are not actually made for change. And neither are organisations. We also often have to deal with computer systems and rules that make change complicated or even impossible. And all of this gets in the way of getting involved in the future, so to speak. How can leaders circumvent or reform these legacy systems? Which methods and best practices can be used immediately?

Inspirational leadership

In times of great change, we need inspiring leaders. These are leaders who show the way and anticipate the future. They motivate, inspire, and are great storytellers. This makes them attractive to existing and new employees. And in doing so, they make an important contribution to the organisation's raison d'être and profitability. Are you already such an inspiring leader? And what can you do to develop the skills needed to become one?

Future scenarios

The future is fast approaching. It takes an average of 6 years before major developments are implemented in organisations. To be able to discover the future now, looking ahead is of great importance. “To foresee is to rule”. Future scenarios provide the opportunity to manage the emerging uncertainty associated with change. They inspire, provide direction and enable the organisation to anticipate the world of tomorrow. The leader of the future is prepared. Are you?

Book this keynote for your team, organisation and customers.

You will then also receive updates on the future of leadership for a year.


Below you will find some videos of various performances and interviews. More videos can be viewed here

Our customers

This futurist has chips in his body

“You can’t really talk about the future without also being part of it”, says Richard van Hooijdonk. So he put his money where his mouth is. To date, he’s had several RFID chips injected into his body that perform various tasks for him. Van Hooijdonk is planning to have a number of additional chips implanted in 2020 and 2021.
You gave us all honest, inspired and entertaining insights. Your performance was highly appreciated by the conference participants and EU members.
Manfred Graf
Enthusiastic speaker, a good and versatile story. Everyone was ‘wowed’ by the lecture.
Maarten Buikhuisen
Your contribution was particularly dynamic and inspiring! The participants experienced recognition, awareness and certainly, a wake-up call. In short, an excellent contribution through a highly professional performance.
Jan Struijs
A dazzling journey through new technology. The enthusiasm and energy during his presentation, combined with the visuals, provided a successful kick- off to our event.
Patrick Steemers
An impressive and noteworthy presentation for our employees and customers. The rate at which change is happening - which you eloquently brought across in your energetic speech - requires a disruptive approach. To be continued!
Rob Pols
The symposium ‘Airpower in the Information Age’ was a great success. Nothing but positive feedback from the participants. In no small part thanks to your commitment and dedication, we were able to achieve this result.
Alexander Schnitger
Great keynote that really opened our eyes. Sparkling and energetic, from beginning to end. Thanks Richard, for showing us this different view of the fitness market and its future.
Arjan van Dijk
With your presentation you awakened the customs organisation. At the end of the day it turned out that your presentation had made the biggest impression. You made sure the issues were put on Strategic Management’s radar.
Alex Drost

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