Inspiring lecture

The company of the future

Dominated by exponential technology and disruption, the world around us is changing rapidly. As an organisation, how do you deal with these changes? How do you successfully manoeuvre towards the future? Which steps can you take? And what are the characteristics of a future leader? This keynote lecture will offer you insights, case studies, many examples and a clear plan of action. 

This keynote lecture takes you on an inspiring journey and explains how to prepare an organisation for a future of exponential change. Which skills do you need? How do you develop an ecosystem? What does inspiring leadership look like? How can you use the ‘new world’ to navigate your organisation to the next phase? How do you build the organisation of the future? This keynote lecture offers insights, case studies, many examples and a clear step-by-step plan.


Below you will find an overview of the topics within this keynote lecture.

A new mindset, a new culture

Change is not about technology. It’s about the right mindset required for change, such as saying goodbye to old habits and being open to new ideas. It’s about embracing uncertainty as a source of innovation. We need a culture that exudes willingness to change and employees who are committed to realising this change. This requires freedom, independence and servant management.

New skills

AI has found a growing number of applications in construction over the years. Besides autonomous machinery, it’s also used for planning and surveying, in safety and maintenance, and in the monitoring and analysing of structures. AI enables fully connected construction sites, where sensor-generated big data ensures increasing levels of efficiency and safety, and enables prediction and prevention of injuries.


We are faced with major uncertainties and there are many challenges ahead for the organisation of the future. It’s important for organisations to be ‘hyper-connected’ to the new world. We need to teach employees how to collaborate with external specialists, startups, scientists and educational institutions. The quality of the ecosystem determines whether your organisation will succeed or fail.


In a rapidly changing world, experimentation is a prerequisite for continuity. Organisations that are constantly discovering are well equipped to adapt to the future. The organisation needs to be encouraged to experiment and make mistakes as part of the learning process. We can also call in ‘special forces’ to rapidly develop new products and services that complement existing business models.

Future scenarios

The world changes at a speed we’ve never experienced before. Changing our strategy will therefore have to keep pace with the speed of changes in the market. Furthermore, we need to prepare for an ‘imperfect’ future and develop a strategy that helps us adequately manage uncertainty – by using future scenarios. But how do we do this the right way?


In many ways, people are no longer separate from technology. It is, therefore, important to keep an eye on the moral side of technological developments, consider the implications for the world of tomorrow, and ensure we take important ethical considerations into account. We need to determine our boundaries and voice our opinions about how people and machines should work together.

The future of leadership

Tomorrow's organisation needs to change faster than ever and needs a unique architecture of people, organisation, and culture. We need leaders who inspire and facilitate, who lead by listening, asking questions, and being vulnerable. Change is not only about strategy, but also about psychology. How do you motivate your employees to lead the organisation to the next phase?
All the topics mentioned can be presented in a comprehensive, compact way or, if required, omitted. Topics from other lectures or your own suggestions can also be added. We will gladly discuss this with you.

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Below you will find some videos of various performances and interviews. More videos can be viewed here

Our customers

This futurist has chips in his body

“You can’t really talk about the future without also being part of it”, says Richard van Hooijdonk. So he put his money where his mouth is. To date, he’s had several RFID chips injected into his body that perform various tasks for him. Van Hooijdonk is planning to have a number of additional chips implanted in 2020 and 2021.
You gave us all honest, inspired and entertaining insights. Your performance was highly appreciated by the conference participants and EU members.
Manfred Graf
Enthusiastic speaker, a good and versatile story. Everyone was ‘wowed’ by the lecture.
Maarten Buikhuisen
Your contribution was particularly dynamic and inspiring! The participants experienced recognition, awareness and certainly, a wake-up call. In short, an excellent contribution through a highly professional performance.
Jan Struijs
A dazzling journey through new technology. The enthusiasm and energy during his presentation, combined with the visuals, provided a successful kick- off to our event.
Patrick Steemers
An impressive and noteworthy presentation for our employees and customers. The rate at which change is happening - which you eloquently brought across in your energetic speech - requires a disruptive approach. To be continued!
Rob Pols
The symposium ‘Airpower in the Information Age’ was a great success. Nothing but positive feedback from the participants. In no small part thanks to your commitment and dedication, we were able to achieve this result.
Alexander Schnitger
Great keynote that really opened our eyes. Sparkling and energetic, from beginning to end. Thanks Richard, for showing us this different view of the fitness market and its future.
Arjan van Dijk
With your presentation you awakened the customs organisation. At the end of the day it turned out that your presentation had made the biggest impression. You made sure the issues were put on Strategic Management’s radar.
Alex Drost

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